Endemic flora U-Z

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Based on Debenham C’s, The Language of Botany, A Publication of The Society for Growing Australian Plants, Chipping Norton NSW, c.1962.

Veronica formosa

Botanical Name: Veronica formosa (E)
Commonly Called: Common speedwell bush
Botanical Family: Scrophulariaceae
Grows: 1-2m H x 1-2m W
Foliage: 5-15mm long, green, narrow lanceolate, crowded, opposite and decusate (alternate leaf pairs at right angles)
Flora: Purple to blue flowers with 4 petals and 2 prominent stamens in clusters toward the end of the stems.
Flowering Season: Spring
Fruiting body: A capsule with 2 lobes which is retained on the bush for a long time after the seed has been shed.
How and where it grows: Widespread on rocky hillsides from sea level to 1,000m, in the wetter areas of the east and south-east.
Where found: Wellington Park, Platform Peak and Mt Dromedary, Chimney Pot Hill Ridgeway
Other notes: The square arrangement of the leaves on the stems is a distinguishing feature. This species prefers a moist, very well drained soil in part/full sun and is best grown from seed to discover the many beautiful shades of blue to purple

Westringia angustifolia

Botanical Name: Westringia angustifolia (E)
Commonly Called: Narrowleaf westringia
Botanical Family: Lamiaeae
Grows: This compact, small, woody shrub grows from 1 to 3m high by 1.5 to 2m wide.
Foliage: The narrow, pointed leaves are usually in whorls of 3, dark green and straight, with rolled under edges and the under surface brown and hairy.
Flora: The showy flowers grow singly in the leaf axils near the ends of the branchlets and are very hairy, white to pale lilac with red/brown spots on the 3 lower petals and yellowish marking in the lower throat. The anthers appear to be blue when pollen covered and red or white when the pollen has dispersed, while the stigma look like arrow tips on the ends of the styles and the ovary is deep within the throat tube.
Flowering Season: Flowers appear late in winter and produce a mass display in spring.
Fruiting body: The fruit are four nutlets which don’t split open when mature to release their single seed.
How and where it grows: This is a rare plant, found mostly in dry shrubby understorey from 300-900m.
Where found: The Pipeline Track in and north from the Huon Road, Neika; Snug Tiers near Pelverata Falls; At Pelverata Falls viewing platform; Herring Back Track.
Other notes: This species may be differentiated from other Tasmanian Westringias by its 5 very short calyx lobes and the leaves in whorls of 3 around the stems. Pruning after the flowers have diminished will help to retain its shape. It grows well in moist, well-drained soil in part/full sun, and is best propagated from semi-hardwood cuttings.

Westringia brevifolia


Botanical Name: Westringia brevifolia (E)
Commonly Called: Shortleaf westringia
Botanical Family: Lamiaceae
Grows: 0.5-1m H x 0.5-0.75m W
Foliage: Many branched shrub with square stems, narrow eliptical leaves in whorls of four, upper side glossy with a prominent vein, lower side white and hairy, edges rolled under.
Flora: Flowers single in the leaf axils crowded at the end of the stems, white/pale lilac with slightly hairy narrow lobes, lower ones red/brown and mauve dotted
Flowering Season: Spring
Fruiting Body: The fruit are four nutlets.
How and where it grows: Moderately common in dry locations in the wetter part of the State, often near the coast; also, occasional in the south-east, east, and Furneaux Group.
Where found: South Port Bluff; Stowport bluff; Longley; North Sister, Summit Ben Lomond; Wayatinah, Central Highlands; Rocky Cape NP; Union Bridge and Mersey River near Mole Creek, Meander Valley; Cape Sorrell Lighthouse, West Coast
Other notes: This species can be distinguished by its five narrow, triangular calyx lobes which taper to a fine point and its leaves which are nearly always in whorls of four.

Westringia rubiifolia

Botanical Name: Westringia rubiifolia (E)
Commonly Called: Sticky westringia
Botanical Family: Lamiaceae
Grows: 0.5-1m H x 0.5-0.75m W
Foliage: Square reddish stems with oval shaped stalkless leaves, 5-10mm long by 3-5mm wide, upper side shiny dark green, lower side pale green, normally arranged in whorls of four.
Flora: Flowers small, tubular, opening to five hairy lobes, two on the upper lip and three on the lower lip with orange spots. Single, clustered near the tips of the stems in the leaf axils, often in whorls. Calix lobes narrow and triangular, as long as the tube.
Flowering Season: Spring/summer
Fruiting body: Fruit are 4 nutlets
How and where it grows: Moderately common in wet sclerophyll forests from sea level to mountains in north and west
Where found: Ansons Bay Road, Doctors Peak Forest Reserve, east coast; Pieman Road, Meredith Range Regional Reserve, West Coast; Snow Hill Forest Reserve, Northern Midlands; Mt Barrow Reserve; Thompsons Marsh, Douglas Apsley NP; Snug Tiers, near Margate; Bellettes Creek, Tasman Peninsular
Other notes: This species requires moist well-drained soil and grows best in part shade. It is best propagated from firm cuttings. The hairless bottom surface of the leaves and very slightly rolled leaf edges, leaves in whorls of four, calyx as described and flowers in whorls are distinguishing features.

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A Guide to Tasmanian Flora
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