Spring H-L

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Based on Debenham C’s, The Language of Botany, A Publication of The Society for Growing Australian Plants, Chipping Norton NSW, c.1962.

Hakea lissosperma

Botanical Name: Hakea lissosperma
Commonly Called: Mountain needlebush
Botanical Family: Proteaceae
Grows: This shrub or small tree grows 2 to 6m high by 1.5 to 3m wide with many stout branches.
Foliage: The young shoots are white then become light green and mature to dark green leaves which may be silky-pubescent otherwise glabrous. These rigid, terete and pungent leaves, 3 to 15cm long and 1.5 to 2.5mm diameter, are spreading, suberect or curved upward with yellow tips.
Flora: The silky-pubescent otherwise glabrous inflorescences growing from the leaf axils have 3 to 8 (to 12) flowers in subsessile clusters with 4 to 6mm long sparsely pubescent stems. The 4 to 6mm long white tepals are recurved. The thick, narrow-lanceolate, tube is recurved and its outer surface is glabrous to very sparsely pubescent and the inner surface is glabrous. The ovary is on a very short gynophore and the style terminates in a flat oblique disc.
Flowering Season: Flowers appear from mid spring to mid summer.
Fruit: The fruit are obliquely elliptical, dark purplish to grey-brown, warty follicles with a prominent and short beak. They grow to 2.0 to 3.5cm long by 2 to 3cm wide when unopened. The follicles open to 30 to 60o to release one or two blackish-brown winged seeds, 12 to 15mm long, with the wing extending about 1/2 way along one side of the seed.
Habitat/distribution: This species is widespread and locally abundant in wet forests and sub-montane shrubberies on most of the east and north eastern highlands and on the south-west and western mountains. It is also indigenous in SA and Vic.
Where found: Throughout the tracks and trails on kunanyi/Mount Wellington and the Wellington Range; near the summit of Mount Brown, Runnymede; the Tarkine; Ben Lomond (plateau and sub-alpine areas), Cradle Mountain/Lake St Claire, Freycinet (Schouten Island), Hartz Mountain, Mount Field and Tasman (Cape Raul Track) National Parks; Mount Barrow State, Knocklofty (planted) and Orford Thumbs Reserves; many suburban gardens around Hobart and other Tasmanian places.
Other notes: This hardy species is suitable for most soils and conditions and responds well to regular pruning to increase flower and foliage density. Well pruned plants can form a prickly screen or hedge and a refuge for small birds. Propagation from mature seed is reliable. The white new and dark green mature needle foliage and dark purplish to grey-brown warty fruit are distinguishing features.

Hardenbergia violacea

Botanical Name: Hardenbergia violacea
Commonly Called: Purple coral-pea
Botanical Family: Fabaceae
Grows: 2-4m H x 2-3m W
Foliage: Single, 2-5cm, lanceolate with prominent central and side veins, dark green upper surface, lighter lower surface.
Flowers: Long showy purple sprays arising from the leaf axils.
Flowering Season: Mainly spring but sporadic in winter.
Fruit: Long, flat, dark grey-brown pod.
Habitat/distribution: The only Tasmanian population is on dry hills near Sorell in the south east. However, now many Tasmanian gardens are adorned with mainland forms, especially the selected form, Hardenbergia violacea “Happy Wanderer”. Also SA, Vic, NSW, Q.
Where found: Home gardens, many public parks and reserves including the Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens (Tasmanian form), Tasmanian Bushland Garden, Tasmanian Arboretum and Heritage Forest Tasmanian Plant Garden.
Other notes: Hardy plant which will grow in a variety of soil and sunlight conditions; it responds well to pruning after flowering. The Western Australian species Hardenbergia comptoniana has trifoliate (3 leaflets) leaves and tends to have longer sprays of blue flowers, sometimes with a white centre. It is commonly grown in Tasmanian home gardens.

Hibbertia appressa

Botanical Name: Hibbertia appressa
Commonly Called: Southern guineaflower
Botanical Family: Dilleniaceae
Grows: Scrambling ground cover to over 2m spread and climbs up to over 2m.
Foliage: Elliptical, dark green to 10 mm long, with stiff hairs on the upper surface, hooked hairs on the underside.
Flowers: Yellow with 5 deeply notched petals with 9-12 stamens in a single cluster to one side of the carpels (the female part of the flower, consisting of the ovary, style and stigma. TNF Ed.2 page 403).
Flowering Season: Spring
Fruit: a 3 lobed capsule
Habitat/distribution: Widespread but scattered in damp heaths, shrubberies and open forests in NW, NE, Midlands and SE. Also Vic.
Where found: Tasman Peninsula, Snug Falls, Pelverata Falls, South Port Lagoon and Exit Cave Tracks, Snug Tiers, Birchs Bay,, Gordon, Mt Balfour, Tarkine, Strahan, Birchs Inlet, King Island, Asbestos Hill, Dazzler Range, Huon Valley, Lune River, Recherche Bay.
Other notes: A good garden plant in moist, well drained, part sun areas. In the past, this species has been mistaken for Hibbertia empetrifolia.

Hibbertia procumbens

Botanical Name: Hibbertia procumbens Commonly Called: Spreading guineaflower
Botanical Family: Dilleniaceae
Grows: 10-15cm H x 15-30cm W
Foliage: Green, 5-20mm long, elliptical/linear, with soft point. Lower surface silky hairy with distinct central vein, edges rolled under. Small, narrow wiry stems.
Flowers: Profuse, 5 golden, rounded, notched petals, about 2.5cm across, solitary on a long stalk. Stamens, 20-25 clustered in 4 groups around the carpels.
Flowering Season: Spring
Fruit: a follicle
Habitat/distribution: On sunny banks with moist well-drained sandy soil. Common in coastal heathland, but also occurs in subalpine areas to 1000m. Also Vic, NSW.
Where found: Wide spread in the SW, W, NW, NE and SE areas; Tasman Peninsula, Circular Head, Waratah, King Island, Central Plateau, Overland Track, Birchs Inlet, Oatlands to Parattah Track, Copping Cemetery, Sandford and many other places.
Other notes: A good rockery plant for moist well-drained, mulched soils in full sun. The mass of golden flowers often covered with insects, soft to touch, but with an unpleasant odour.

Hibbertia riparia

Botanical Name: Hibbertia riparia
Commonly Called: Erect guineaflower
Botanical Family: Dilleniaceae
Grows: 10-90cm H x 20-60cm W
Foliage: Dark green, narrow/linear to 1cm long with margins rolled under, hairy undersurface.
Flowers: 5 markedly notched yellow petals with 5-12 stamens in a single cluster on one side of the 2 carpels. The flowers are terminal on the short side branches.
Flowering Season: Mainly spring, but often sporadic in summer and autumn.
Fruit: a 2-celled follicle.
Habitat/distribution: Common in moist lowland areas. Also SA, Vic, NSW, Qld.
Where found: Cheltenham, Tom Gibson, Knocklofty, Peter Murrell, Three Thumbs, and many other Reserves; Meehan Range, Bluff River Gorge, Southern Midlands; Freycinet, Narawntapu and Tasman NPs; Flinders Island.
Other notes: Plants with erect stems in moist areas. Hardy in home gardens, requires good drainage, some sun, responds to pruning for bushy, more floriferous habit.

Hibbertia sericea var sericea

Botanical Name: Hibbertia sericea var sericea
Commonly Called: Silky guineaflower
Botanical Family: Dilleniaceae
Grows: 10-60cm H x 50-100cm W
Foliage: Erect or spreading 5-10cm long, oblong to oblanceolate with broad central vein, edges rolled under, dark green slightly hairy upper surface, densely hairy lower surface.
Flowers: Bright yellow, 5 deeply notched petals to 2cm across, singly or in groups of 2-3 at the end of side branches and crowded among leaves at the end of the main stems. Stamens, 8-16 grouped to one side of the carpels.
Flowering Season: Spring
Fruit: a follicle
Habitat/distribution: Widespread and locally common in coastal heaths in the north and north-west. Also SA, Vic, NSW.
Where found: West Coast S of Temma and Couta Rocks, Rocky Cape NP, Port Sorell, Effingham, Lades Beach, Waterhouse Conservation Area, Mt William and possibly Georges Bay Heads.
Other notes: Silky-hairy leaves and stems. Does best in home gardens with well-drained soil, part shade and some moisture. Pruning retains shape and promotes flowering.

Lissanthe strigosa subsp. subulata

Botanical Name: Lissanthe strigosa subsp. subulata
Commonly Called: Peachberry heath
Grows: This bushy small shrub may grow 10 to 20cm high and spreading, or more often upright and 20 to 90cm high and 20 to 60cm wide
Foliage: The branchlets are pubescent and the short stemmed, spreading to erect leaves, 4 to 17mm long by 0.5 to 2.2mm wide are linear-lanceolate to lanceolate and flat or slightly convex. The leaf’s upper surface is shiny with sparse hairs, while the lower surface is glaucous and 1 to 3 deeply ribbed. The tip tapers to a fine pungent point.
Flowers: The buds on short stems are white or pink growing 2 to 5 in axillary racemes or more in terminal racemes. The scented flowers have a white, cream or pink, ovate-tubular, 2 to 4.5mm long corolla with 5 short glabrous, recurved lobes on the throat and tapering to the stem. The stamens are joined to the top of the corolla tube with short filaments and the anthers are attached internally above the middle of the tube. The pubescent ovary has 5 to 7 locules, the nectary is 5-lobed and the pubescent style is almost as long as the tube.
Flowering Season: The flowers appear mainly from late spring through early summer.
Fruit: The fruit is a +/- fleshy, pubescent, depressed, spherical drupe.
Habitat/distribution: Common in moist lowland areas. Also SA, Vic, NSW, Qld.
Where found: This species is found throughout the eastern half of the State; Cheltenham, Echo Sugar Loaf, Geilston Bay, Tom Gibson, Knocklofty, Peter Murrell, Three Thumbs, Trevallyn Nature Recreation, Waverley Flora Park, Woodvine and many other Reserves; Meehan Range, Bluff River Gorge, Southern Midlands; Freycinet, Narawntapu and Tasman National Parks and Flinders Island.
Other notes: Plants of this species grow with erect stems in moist areas, but more often they are low spreading shrubs. It is hardy in home gardens, requires good drainage, some sun, and responds to pruning for bushy and more floriferous habit.

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