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Based on Debenham C’s, The Language of Botany, A Publication of The Society for Growing Australian Plants, Chipping Norton NSW, c.1962.

Acacia mearnsii

Botanical Name: Acacia mearnsii
Commonly Called: Black wattle
Botanical Family: FABACEAE subfamily MIMOSIODEAE
Grows: This wide-spread tree with dark grey bark grows typically 7 to 10m high by 6 to 8m wide.
Foliage: The branchlets are pubescent, as are the leaves. These bipinnate leaves are initially golden bronze colour maturing to dark dull olive green and are up to 20cm long. The leaves have 12 to 18 pairs of 2.5 to 4cm long pinnae on angular stems. Each pinna has a large number of linear, blunt, less than 4mm long leaflets. Raised glands occur on the upper side of the rachis at and between each pinnae pair.
Flowers: The flowers form in globular heads, up to 8 mm diameter, each with as many as 40 very small staminate, pale yellow or cream coloured flowers. The stamens produce the well recognised pollen, while the numerous female flower carpels capture pollen grains in their stigmas to sometimes fertilise their ovules. The heads, on hairy peduncles 2–8 mm long, are arranged in axillary and terminal panicles or racemes.
Flowering Season: The fragrant flowers appear in November but mainly bloom in December. Acacia mearnsii is the only tree form Tasmanian acacia which is flowering at this time of the year. The majority of others flower in late winter to early spring.
Fruit: The fruit are large flat pods, up to 10cm long by up to 1cm wide, blue/green when forming, then maturing to dark brown. They are constricted between the several seeds.
Habitat/distribution: This species tolerates a wide range of soil types but prefers moist soil in dappled shade, partial or full sun. It is common in Tasmania in the south east, mid-east coastal and upper midlands. It also grows in many places in SA, Vic. and NSW.
Where found: It has been recorded and/or found in: Big Punch Bowl and Long Point and Little Swanport Tasmanian Land Conservancies properties; Narawantapu and Forestier and Tasman Peninsulas in Tasman National Parks; Lauderdale to Cremorne Coastal Track, Knocklofty, Meehan Range Nature Recreation, Mortimer and Ralphs Bay, Old Convict Road & Orford Probation Station, Peter Murrell and Wingara Gully Reserves; and other bushland parks and gardens.
Other notes: This fast growing acacia is ideal for shelter belts and in its preferred moist locations the dense foliage can provide good shade. It is a good species for disturbed area erosion control and can withstand light frosts and occasional dry periods. Acacia mearnsii is often invaded by large caterpillars possibly of the Endoxyla encalypti, Large wattle goat moth, species. Yellow tailed Black cockatoos hear the caterpillars chewing the trunk’s wood and internal tissue and rip off the old bark with their strong beaks to extract the caterpillars. The species is easily propagated from hot water treated seed. The multiple glands along the rachis and the dark dull olive green leaves distinguish this species from Acacia dealbata and Acacia terminalis.

Boronia rhomboidea

Botanical Name: Boronia rhomboidea
Commonly Called: Broadleaf boronia
Botanical Family: Rutaceae
Grows: Usually a small, prostrate or erect, subalpine shrub growing 20 to 75(-100)cm high by 50 to 100cm wide. However, a small population was growing on the western side of Abelia Drive, Longley until the vegetation was slashed in about 2020 and the plants died.
Foliage: The branches may sometimes be slightly glandular tuberculate. The (3-)5 to 13mm long (1-)5 to 15mm wide leaves are broad ovate to nearly circular or rarely obovate, and glabrous or ciliate possibly only at the base, arranged alternately along the branches.
Flowers: The 4-petalled flowers with 1 to 3.5mm long pedicels grow in terminal and/or axillary groups of 1 to 3 on 0 to 2mm long peduncles, with elliptical or oblong glabrous or sparsely ciliate sepals 2.5 to 3.5mm long. The white to pink, glabrous petals are 5 to 8mm long. The staminal filaments are also glabrous as is the gynaecium, and the stigma is minute.
Flowering Season: The flowers may be seen from mid-spring to the end of summer, even early autumn.
Fruit: The fruit is a small four-celled capsule.
Habitat/distribution: This species is found to be locally dominant when growing in alpine and subalpine heath and sedgelands, also in Eucalyptus woodlands, mainly at higher altitudes in the northern part of the Central highlands. It is also found in isolated clusters near Mathinna, Vale of Rasselas, Gog Range, Gordon Plains, and possibly some plants still exist in the Longley site. It is also found in NSW.
Where found: Dove River and Overland Track near Crater Lake, also several other locations in Cradle Mountain Lake St Claire National Park; Gowrie Park area, Main Road/Tea Tree Road; Jubilee Range; Mt Pelion; Mt Roland, near the summit; Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens; and The Tasmanian Arboretum, Eugenana; also a few home gardens.
Other notes: This small spreading shrub at low altitudes prefers semi shade and at higher altitudes full sun. This delightful plant very suitable for rockeries. Moist free draining soils are required. Propagation is not easy and cuttings may be slow to strike. The rhomboid shaped leaves are the distinguishing feature.

Bursaria spinosa

Botanical Name: Bursaria spinosa
Commonly Called: Prickly box
Botanical Family: Pittosporaceae
Grows: A tall shrub growing 3 to 5m high by 2 to 3m wide.
Foliage: The leaves are bright glossy green above lighter below, blunt wedge-shaped, arranged alternately along the branches. Spikes also grow along the branches and on the tip of branchlets.
Flowers: The 5-petalled white, star-shaped flowers have central protruding stamens. The flowers are arranged in a terminal pyramid.
Flowering Season: The flowers brighten the bush during summer.
Fruit: The fruit is a bilobed, flat, heart-shaped capsule.
Habitat/distribution: This species is widespread, common in coastal sandy gravel areas, extending inland to wet sclerophyll. It is also found in WA, SA, Vic, NSW and Q.
Where found: Most National Parks; Wellington Park; Knocklofty and Coningham Reserves; Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens; Tasmanian Bushland Garden, Buckland; and The Tasmanian Arboretum, Eugenana; also many home gardens.
Other notes: Woody shrub to small tree with the smaller branches and side stems ending as spikes. The horticultural potential of this plant lies in its ability to attract bees, butterflies and birds with its sweet-scented flowers. It is also a good coastal revegetation plant and can be trimmed to a hedge. This compact, dark green shrub with masses of white summer flowers usually humming with bees, and heart-shaped fruit make it easily recognised in the bush or garden. The sharp spikes on its branchlets make it a safe haven for small nesting birds which have been known to use white domestic hen feathers to line and camouflage their nests during flowering time.

Chrysocephalum semipapposum

Botanical Name: Chrysocephalum semipapposum subsp. semipapposum
Commonly Called: Clustered everlasting
Botanical Family: Asteraceae
Grows: 20-90cm H x 40-90cm W
Foliage: Crowded, small, narrow linear, green to silvery grey, hairy, on side stems, sometimes sticky.
Flowers: Terminal, bright yellow in dense flattened clusters.
Flowering Season: Flowers may be seen during spring through summer.
Fruit: An achene.
Habitat/distribution: Widespread and common in open grasslands. Also SA, Vic, NSW.
Where found: Saltwater River area on Tasman Peninsula, Derwent Valley areas: Meadowbank Dam Road, Macquarie Plains, New Norfolk; Black Hills Church and Cemetery Reserve, Braslins Road, Black Hills; Sky Farm, Glenorchy; Windermere Bay, Claremont; Knocklofty Reserve; East Risdon Nature Reserve; Caves Hill, Meehan Range; Grasstree Road, W of Back Tea Tree Road; Near Tunnack; Bluff River Gorge; Shannon River downstream of Hermitage; Lakes Highway 15km N of Bothwell; Gangells Road, Bagdad; Perth Nursery, Picnic Point; Slopes above South Esk, Native Point; Watery Plains, Launceston; Township Lagoon Nature Reserve; Kingston via Conara; Avoca; Buckland; Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens; and Tasmanian Bushland Garden, Buckland; also some home gardens and other locations.
Other notes: An upright variable perennial herb with flattish topped clusters of bright yellow flower heads on erect stems compared to the rounded golden flower heads of Chrysocephalum apiculatum. A hardy plant for dry areas in full sun. Prune to ground level after flowering to promote growth from the woody rhizome.

Coronidium scorpioides

Botanical Name: Coronidium scorpioides
Commonly Called: Curling everlasting
Botanical Family: Asteraceae
Grows: 10-80cm H x 50-75cm W
Foliage: Crowded at the base, more widely spaced on the flower stem, grey-green, soft, usually cottony hairs on both surfaces.
Flowers: Solitary yellow flower heads, 2 to 3cm across, the central part surrounded by curled papery bracts.
Flowering Season: Late spring/summer.
Fruit: An achene.
Habitat/distribution: Widespread in understorey in a variety of habitats from sea level to alpine. Also SA, Vic, NSW.
Where found: Throughout Tasmania: Cradle Mountain & Lake St Clair, Hartz, Mt Field, Rocky Cape, South West and Tasman National Parks; King and some Furneaux, Maria and Bruny Islands; Bluff River Gorge, Bridport Wildflower, Cheltenham , Orford Thumbs, Peter Murrell, Meehan Ranges, Wellington Park and many other Reserves; Heritage Forest Tasmanian Native Garden; Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens; Tasmanian Bushland Garden, Buckland; and The Tasmanian Arboretum, Eugenana; also many home gardens.
Other notes: A stoloniferous perennial herb with conspicuous, solitary yellow daisy flowers with curling papery phyllaries (bracts). A hardy spreading ground cover. Prune after flowering to maintain carpet effect.

Dianella tasmanica

Botanical Name: Dianella tasmanica
Commonly Called: Forest flaxlily
Botanical Family: Liliaceae
Grows: 50-150cm
Foliage: The leaves are broad, linear, strap-like and Y-shaped in cross section to 1m long. They are distinctly serrated along the edges and undersurface of central veins.
Flowers: The flowers are loosely clustered on long stalks with strong many branched stems. They have 6 small white or mainly blue petals and prominent yellow stamens.
Flowering Season: The flowers appear in spring and summer months.
Fruit: The fruit are blue to purple shiny berries, containing many black seeds.
Habitat/distribution: This species is wide spread from coast to 800m as a common understorey plant in wet sclerophyll and rainforests. It is also found in Vic and NSW.
Where found: Throughout Tasmania especially in shady moist positions. Bass Strait, Maria and Bruny Islands; Ben Lomond NP entrance, Cradle Mountain/Lake St Claire, Mt Field, Narawntapu, Rocky Cape and Tasman National Parks; Bluff River Gorge, Bridport Wildflower, Knocklofty, Orford, Peter Murrell, Wellington Park, Wielangta Forest and many other Reserves; many other places such as Cockle Creek, Dunbarton, Mole Creek area, McKays Road near Lake Leake Rd Swansea area, Tullah area and Pieman River near Smithton; Heritage Forest Tasmanian Native Garden, Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens, Tasmanian Bushland Garden Buckland and The Tasmanian Arboretum Eugenana; also many home gardens.
Other notes: A herbaceous perennial spreading by rhizomes and may form a dense clump. It has excellent horticultural potential and may be useful as a riparian or bank stabiliser due to the spreading rhizomes.

Dillwynia glaberrima

Dillwynia glaberrima buds, flowers and leaves, Smooth parrotpea, Port Arthur, photo &copy Mark Wapstra

Botanical Name: Dillwynia glaberrima
Commonly Called: Smooth parrotpea
Botanical Family: Fabaceae
Grows: A colourful, small, pea flowering, open shrub which grows 1 to 1.5m high by 1 to 2m wide.
Foliage: The stems are glabrous or the younger stems and leaves are pubescent. These light green leaves with a groove on their top surface are 1 to 2cm long, filiform nearly terete, linear, some times spirally twisted with a recurved tip and crowded along the stems.
Flowers: The pea form flowers on short stems grow in racemes or, small clusters on very short or more than 2cm terminal or axillary stems. Sometimes the stems arise from a number of terminal axils forming a leafy corymbose panicle. The sepal lobes, 5 to 6mm long, are ciliolate. The deeply notched standard, 10 to 14mm wide is bright yellow with a red throat. The wings and the keel are also yellow.
Flowering Season: The flowers appear in late spring and summer months.
Fruit: The fruit an inflated pod about 10 to 12mm long.
Habitat/distribution: This species grows in a wide range of locations, mainly in wet heathlands around the coastal zone around the state. It is also found in SA, Vic and NSW.
Where found: Throughout Tasmania especially in partly shady, moist, well-drained positions. Flinders, King, and Schouten Islands, Freycinet, Narawntapu, Rocky Cape and Tasman National Parks; Hawthorn Drive, the Tarkine, Bridport Wildflower, Diprose Lagoon Nature, Peter Murrell and other Reserves; other places such as Tangara Axiom Track Acton Park and Glovers Bluff; Heritage Forest Tasmanian Native Garden, Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens and Tasmanian Bushland Garden Buckland and The Tasmanian Arboretum Eugenana; also some home gardens.
Other notes: This small open shrub prefers light shade and well-drained soil. It should be tip pruned after flowers have dropped or when stems get too long before the flowers form on the tips. It may be propagated from semi-hardwood cuttings or from seed.


Eryngium ovinum

Eryngium ovinum flowerhead, Blue devil, Jim Bacon Memorial Park, photo by Mark Wapstra Botanical Name: Eryngium ovinum Commonly Called: Blue devil Botanical Family: Apiaceae Grows: 40-70cm H x 40-80cm W Foliage: The narrow, elliptical, variable leaves are 1 to 4cm long on a short stalk. They are dark green to grey on the upper surface and densely hairy undersurface with irregularly round-toothed or entire edges. Flowers: The flowers are white maturing to bright metallic blue spiky heads. Flowering Season: Flowers appear in summer. Fruit: The fruit is a schizocarp and it ripens in autumn. Habitat/distribution: Temperate woodlands and grasslands. Also WA, SA, Vic, NSW. Where found: A few places, mainly in SE Tasmania: Laggon Flats; Big Green Island, Bass Strait; Tasman Highway, Pontypool; near Boomer Creek, Little Swanport; Jim Bacon Memorial Reserve, Springfield, Moonah; Broadmarsh; Teatree Road, Brighton; Pontville Army Range, Brighton; Black Charlies Opening, Tasman Highway, Runnymede; Fulham Road, Dunalley; some other private properties. Other notes: This species is listed as vulnerable under the Tasmanian Threatened Species Protection Act 1995. From the Listing statement for the species: it is a perennial species, dying down during autumn, emerging in late winter, and flowering in summer. In late winter the plant develops a rosette of narrow, spiny, divided leaves with the flower stems extending and producing a mass of crowded bright blue thistle-like flower heads on rigid branched stems in mid-summer. The terminal flowerheads open first followed by those on the side branches below with each flower lasting several weeks (Ollerenshaw 1981). Best in fertile, heavy soils in sunny positions.

Eryngium vesiculosum

Botanical Name: Eryngium vesiculosum
Commonly Called: Prickfoot
Botanical Family: Apiaceae
Grows: These plants can grow from 30 to 60cm wide.
Foliage: The light green, rigid, sharply pointed leaves arise from a stem with flattened upper surface and rounded lower surface.
Flowers: The small flowers are oval to round in heads up to 1cm wide. They arise from the leaf axil in tight umbels with a very prickly bract under each flower head. The flowers are white maturing to blue.
Flowering Season: The flowers may appear in late spring but are mainly seen in summer.
Fruit: The fruit is a schizocarp.
Habitat/distribution: This species is widespread and common in moist coastal sand flats. It is also found in SA, Vic, NSW and Q.
Where found: Springlawn Lagoon, Narawntapu National Park; Flinders Island; Dago Plains, Circular Head; Discovery Beach, West Coast; Low Head, George Town; Latrobe; Near Campbell Town, Northern Midlands; Northdown wetlands near Far Lagoon; Musselroe Wind Farm, Cape Portland; Encampment Cove, Maria Island; Two Mile Beach, Bangor, Dunalley; Fulham Road, Dunalley.
Other notes: This is a compact, perennial, prostrate herb with blue flowerheads on a prickly plant usually in a swampy site. It may be short lived. It requires regular moisture and full sun and would make an attractive moist rockery or bog garden plant.

Euphrasia collina subsp. collina

Botanical Name: Euphrasia collina subsp. collina
Commonly Called: Tall eyebright
Botanical Family: Scrophulariaceae
Grows: This beautiful small plant grows 20 to 50cm high by 20 to 40cm wide
Foliage: The leaves are narrow, small, shiny and opposite with recurved margins and 1 to 3 lobes on the tips. They have a prominent central vein.
Flowers: Flower are white to shades of mauve, often with a purple throat.
Flowering Season: The flowers appear in late spring in lower altitudes, however, in higher altitudes they are mainly seen in summer.
Fruit: The fruit is a capsule.
Habitat/distribution: Widespread in a variety of habitats from sandy/peaty heaths to rocky hillsides and alpine grasslands on eastern mountains. They are also found in SA, Vic and NSW.
Where found: National Park; Knocklofty Reserve; kunanyi/Wellington Park along the Organ Pipes and Old Hobartians Tracks and above the Chalet, especially along the Thark Ridge Track.
Other notes: Small perennial, semi-parasitic herb with erect reddish flower stems. Leaves without hairs, calyx 5mm long, flowers never striated, growing in lowland areas and eastern mountains.

Gompholobium huegelii

Botanical Name: Gompholobium huegelii
Commonly Called: Common wedgepea
Botanical Family: Fabaceae
Grows: This interesting pea flowering plant grows from 15 to 30cm high by 30 to 60cm wide
Foliage: The leaves are trifoliate and linear with grey to green leaflets, 6 to 16mm long. They arise from a common stem. In exposed coastal areas the foliage may be more dense than inland areas due to salt laden winds.
Flowers: The pea flowers have distinctive cream to yellow petals and are shaded with black underneath. The sepals and buds are grey.
Flowering Season: The flowers appear in late spring and mainly throughout summer.
Fruit: The fruit is an ovoid grey to black pod.
Habitat/distribution: It commonly grows in sandy heaths. A brighter flower form occurs in ironstone gravel. It also grows in Vic and NSW.
Where found: This distinctive flowering species has been found in the Waterhouse, Peter Murrell, Winifred Curtis Nature Scamander, Bridport Wildflower and Diprose Lagoon Nature Reserves; Rocky Cape, Freycinet and Tasman National Parks; Schouten Island; Heritage Forest Tasmanian Native Garden; Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens; Tasmanian Bushland Gardens, Buckland; and The Tasmanian Arboretum, Eugenana; also some home gardens.
Other notes: It is a small undershrub with a woody base. The large yellow pea flowers, with the grey undersurface of the petals and sepals, distinguish it from other pea species. In the home garden, it should be pruned after flowering to promote bushy growth.

Hakea teretifolia

Botanical Name: Hakea teretifolia
Commonly Called: Dagger needlebush
Botanical Family: Proteaceae
Grows: This species is a small to medium, spreading, woody shrub with sharp leaves and dagger-like fruit. It grows 1 to 4m high by 0.5 to 2m wide.
Foliage: The leaves are rigid, narrow, and terete. They grow 2 to 4cm long and are arranged at right angles to the stem.
Flowers: The White, sweetly scented, spider-like flowers grow along the stems in terminal clusters or spikes.
Flowering Season: Flowers are seen throughout summer.
Fruit: Long, dagger-shaped, 2-seeded follicle, with a ring of sharp warts around the base of the long beak. Habitat/distribution: Damp heathlands along the northern and eastern coasts. Widespread, especially in coastal heaths. Also WA, SA, Vic, NSW, Q, NT.
Where found: Narawntapu NP; Bridport Wildflower Reserve, St Helens area and many locations in the north east; Freycinet and Schouten Island, Forrestier Peninsula and near Orford, Tasman NP and throughout the Tasman Peninsula; and many other places in the south east; Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens; and Tasmanian Bushland Garden, Buckland; also some home gardens.
Other notes: It is very hardy, slow growing bush which tolerates dry conditions. Its sharp pointed leaves make it a barrier to people and animals and a good small bird nesting site. It grows in most well drained soils in full sun.

Hypoxis hygrometrica

Botanical Name: Hypoxis hygrometrica var. hygrometrica
Commonly Called: Golden weatherglass
Botanical Family: Hypoxidaceae
Grows: This delightful, yellow flowering species “keeps on keeping on!” with, in the right conditions, a new flower blooming for several days then some days later another new flower blooming for several days. It grows in a small clump with an up to 3cm long by 4 to 6mm wide, globular to cylindrical tuber.
Foliage: The sparsely pilose leave blades, up to 20cm long are generally conduplicate and up to 3mm wide when flattened.
Flowers: The bright yellow, 6 petalled flowers grow 1 to 3 per 2 to 20cm long stems which have a single 1 to 10mm long bract. The sepals are glabrous. There are 3 short and 3 long stamens and the anthers are 2 to 3mm long.
Flowering Season: Flowers are seen from late spring through summer.
Fruit: The fruit is an irregularly turbinate, thin-walled capsule up to 5mm long enclosing typically 4 weak walled cells within which are many black, shiny, ovoid to globular, about 1.75mm long seeds.
Habitat/distribution: This species is wide spread in coastal heathlands, sandy soaks, dry open forests and wet areas in rough pastures along the north west, north east and east coasts, midlands and the central highlands. It also grows in SA, Vic, NSW and Q.
Where found: Tiger Creek near Arthur River, Adventure Bay and airstrip Bruny Island, Bridport, Cape Grim, Cockle Bay Creek, Conical Rocks, near Garden Island Creek, Murdunna, Piccaninny Creek, Little Swanport, Southport, Uxbridge, Wineglass Bay; Cheltenham Reserve Maranoa Kingborough, Echo Sugarloaf Randalls Bay, Flash Tier Orford, Tinderbox Hills and, many other locations around the State, also some home gardens.
Other notes: This species may be difficult to establish and prefers to be undisturbed. It appears to be best propagated by direct sowing in small pots. Then, when roots show at the bottom, carefully remove the plant with the moistened soil plug from the pot and plant in the final location without disturbing the soil plug. Finally, backfill and water in. Plants may self seed given the right conditions, especially with regular overhead spray watering.

Lagenophora stipitata

Botanical Name: Lagenophora stipitata
Commonly Called: Blue bottledaisy
Botanical Family: Asteraceae
Grows: 5 to 15cm high by 5 to 15cm wide
Foliage: The basal rosette of lobed, spathulate leaves are green on top and purple underneath. Sometimes, elliptical to oblanceolate round tipped leaves, 2.5 to 5cm long by 0.5 to 1.5cm wide, develop up the flower stem.
Flowers: A solitary flower head, 4 to 10cm across, grows on a scape 5 to 20cm long. The ring of blue, mauve, pink or white, usually violet, ray florets surround the central, tubular disc-florets. These ray florets curl and sometimes darken as the flower ages. The cluster of disc-florets are bright yellow with pollen when the flower first opens. Then, as the flower ages and the pollen is collected or dispersed, the centre becomes darker and darker brown as the achenes develop.
Flowering Season: Flowers are seen during summer.
Fruit: The fruit are achenes which are somewhat bottle shaped, hence the common name.
Habitat/distribution: This pretty little daisy is widespread and frequent in a variety of habitats from sea level to over 1000m except down the west coast hinterland and mountain ranges, see distribution map. It is also found in SA, Vic, NSW and Q, and has possibly been recorded in tropical Asia.
Where found: Throughout Tasmania: Ben Lomond (inc. plateau), Cradle Mountain & Lake St Clair, Hartz, Mt Field, Narawntapu, Rocky Cape, South West and, probably, Tasman National Parks; King and some Furneaux, Maria and Bruny Islands; Bluff River Gorge, Bridport Wildflower, Cheltenham , Knocklofty, Orford Old Convict Road, Orford Thumbs, Mount Barrow, Peter Murrell, Meehan Ranges, the Tarkine, Wellington Park (probably) and many other Reserves and places around the state; also some home gardens.
Other notes: A small spreading rhizomatous herb with a conspicuous, solitary violet daisy flower. Prune after flowering to encourage spreading.

Leptomeria drupacea

Botanical Name: Leptomeria drupacea
Commonly Called: Erect currantbush
Botanical Family: Santalaceae
Grows: This hemiparasitic, much branched, shrub typically grows 1.0 to 2.5m high by 1 to 2m wide.
Foliage: The green flexible branches are nearly cylindrical and are ridged longitudinally. The sessile, scale-like and narrowly ovate to needle like leaves are 0.7 to 1.2mm long by 0.3 to 0.5mm wide and taper to an acute tip.
Flowers: The inflorescence is a raceme of typically 6 to 15, and as many as 25, bisexual flowers on a rachis 4 to 15, and as much as 47mm long, typically inserted laterally into the branchlets. The sessile, scale-like bracts are 0.7 to 1.2mm long by 0.3 to 0.5mm wide. The 0.6 to 1.3 long tepals are white to cream, and when aging are often tinged red to pink. Their apex is incurved and prominently hooded. The deeply lobed floral disc is 0.6 to 0.8mm diameter and the anthers, filaments and style are typically 0.10- 0.15mm long.
Flowering Season: The flowers appear in late spring but mainly are seen during summer.
Fruit: The fruit is a greenish, white, fleshy, ovoid drupe with persistent flower remains, reddish and edible when ripe.
Habitat/distribution: This broom-like bush is found in all regions of Tasmania; widespread in heathlands, woodlands usually with a dense understorey, and open eucalypt forests. It is also found in far SE Vic, NSW and far SE Qld.
Where found: Bruny, Clarke, Flinders and Maria Islands; Freycinet, Narawntapu, Rocky Cape and Tasman National Parks; Bluff River Gorge, Bridport Wildflower, Cheltenham, Coningham Nature, Knocklofty, kunanyi/Wellington Park, Meehan Ranges, Orford Thumbs and Flash Tiers, Peter Murrell, the Tarkine, Wingara Gully and many other Reserves and places around the state.
Other notes: The floriferous Leptomeria drupacea differs from Leptomeria glomerata by typically having 15 or more flowers on each rachis compared to 2 to 3 flowers for the latter species. It is typically found as an erect, light green, narrow stemmed shrub in light forest. It can also be easily distinguished from the green/yellow flowering Exocarpos strictus by its cream to pink flowers and the shape of its fruit. Being hemiparasitic, it may be difficult to propagate, however, seed may be successful, possibly sown with a suitable host plant. Field observation may assist in determining suitable host plants.

Leptorhynchos squamatus subsp. squamatus

Botanical Name: Leptorhynchos squamatus subsp. squamatus
Commonly Called: Scaly buttons
Botanical Family: Asteraceae
Grows: The sprawling small flowered daisy grows 10 to 20cm high and spreads up to 50cm.
Foliage: Lanceolate, 1-3cm long, hairy, alternate, at the base of the floral stem.
Flowers: Bright yellow, compact, button-like, terminal daisy.
Flowering Season: Spring/summer.
Fruit: An achene.
Habitat/distribution: Widespread, in a variety of habitats from dry coastal to elevated grasslands. Also SA, Vic, NSW.
Where found:; Big Punch Bowl and Long Point; Bridport Wildflower, Diprose Lagoon Nature, Knocklofty, Peter Murrell and Township Lagoon Nature Reserves; Rocky Cape, Freycinet and Tasman NPs; many places along the north, north east and east coasts; Heritage Forest Tasmanian Native Garden; Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens; Tasmanian Bushland Garden, Buckland; and The Tasmanian Arboretum, Eugenana; also many home gardens.
Other notes: Wiry stems with leaves only at the base. This small wiry herbaceous perennial plant is usually found in clumps. It prefers full sun and good drainage.

Olearia viscosa

Botanical Name: Olearia viscosa
Commonly Called: Viscid daisybush
Botanical Family: Astereaceae
Grows: This bushy small to spreading medium shrub grows 0.5 to 3m high and 1 to 2m wide.
Foliage: The leaves and the more or less glabrous branchlets may be sticky. The opposite pairs of 4 to 11cm long by 1 to 4cm wide leaves are lanceolate or elliptical with a blunt apex and a short stem. The upper side of the leaves is glabrous and shiny, dark green with a prominent central and lighter lateral veins. The under side is silvery-white due to appressed T-shaped hairs, the central arm of which is short or nearly zero.
Flowers: The flower-heads form terminal axillary corymbose panicles. They are small and many, and grow in the axils of the upper leaves. Their main axis is erect and longer than the leaf, the secondary branches are spreading. The base of each 5 to 6mm long narrow-cylindrical flower has glabrous, ciliate and slightly sticky bracts. The flowers have 4 to 6 florets, each with 1 or 2 cream-white petal-like ray florets and most flowers also have one or more tubular disc florets with prominent yellow, pollen-laden stamens. The flared tips of these tubular disc florets change colour from cream-white to mauve as they mature and age, as do the bases of some of the ray florets.
Flowering Season: The flower clusters appear in summer and continue through to the end of autumn.
Fruit: The fruit are achenes ~3.5mm long, mainly glabrous but often pubescent below their ~6mm long pappus.
Habitat/distribution: Widespread in wet sclerophyll forests and gullies, and on the lower slopes of mountains throughout the centre, south east and east coast, Fingal and Tamar Valleys. In some moist sheltered locations, dense swathes of tall plants may occur which are difficult to walk through. It is also found in moist areas in coastal Victoria.
Where found: Some of the locations where this species has been found are Bluff River Gorge Reserve; Old Convict Road to Probation Station, Thumbs Reserve and Flash Tiers, Orford; Cape Raoul Track, Tasman National Park; Mount Direction Conservation Area, Meehan Range Nature Conservation Reserve above 200m and many other places on and around the Meehan Range; upper Salvator Rosa Glen, Knocklofty Reserve; at the junction of the North South and Shoobridge Tracks and similar locations on the flanks of kunanyi/Mount Wellington and the Wellington Range. It is also found in moist gullies on Freycinet and Tasman Peninsulas, Schouten, Maria and Bruny Islands.
Other notes: Part sun and moist well-drained soil are required to successfully grow this plant. Tip pruning after flowering can help to create a bushier plant. Propagation with firm cuttings is usually very reliable, and fresh seed may also produce good results. It may be distinguished by the sticky foliage and the flower formation.

Ozothamnus obcordatus

Botanical Name: Ozothamnus obcordatus
Commonly Called: Yellow everlasting
Botanical Family: Asteraceae
Grows: This bright yellow flowering small to medium shrub grows 0.5 to 1.5m high and 0.5 to 1m wide.
Foliage: The 3 to 5mm long, alternate leaves are obovate to obcordate, flat with very narrowly recurved edges. Their upper surface is green and glabrous and the lower surface is tomentose. The apex is mucronate with a reflexed tip while the base tapers into a short slender stem.
Flowers: The very numerous, golden or pale brownish-yellow flower-heads form large terminal corymbose panicles. The 2.5 to 4.5mm long narrow-ovoid florets with stems 2 to 5mm long, in clusters of typically 5 to 12, on stems 5 to 15mm long, in multiples, make up the flower heads.
Flowering Season: The flower clusters appear from early December through to late February.
Fruit: The fruit are narrow-ellipsoid cypsela, about 0.8 mm long, sparsely papillose, with pappus bristles 1.5 to 3.5 mm long having a tapering apex.
Habitat/distribution: Widespread on dry hillsides in Hobart and the surrounding area, up the Derwent Valley, north of Huonville, Tasman Peninsula, across to the east coast, Maria Island, Freycinet Peninsula and a few other places around the state.
Where found: Airforce Gully and the Meehan Monster Track up to Golden Hill, Meehan Ranges Nature Conservation Area, Cambridge; Alum Cliffs Track, Kingston Beach; east side Bluff River Gorge, Buckland; ridgetop track, Howrah Hills; sandy track east of gravel access road, Cape Deslacs; Silver Peppermint Tangara Track, Sandford.
Other notes: Part/full sun and well-drained soil are required to successfully grow this plant. Regular pruning is required to maintain a bushy plant. Propagation with semi-hardwood cuttings is usually very reliable, and fresh seed produces good results. It may be distinguished by the heart shaped leaves and the dense clusters of golden yellow flowers.

Pimelea flava

Botanical Name: Pimelea flava
Commonly Called: Yellow riceflower
Botanical Family: Thymelaeaceae
Grows: 50-100cm H x 50-75cm W.
Foliage: Elliptical, 4-12mm long, opposite on very short stalks, with prominent mid-vein.
Flowers: Erect head of lime green bracts opening to reveal bright yellow, terminal clusters of flowers. Male and female are occasionally on separate plants.
Flowering Season: Late winter/spring. Fruit: A cluster of several hairy 1-seeded capsules.
Habitat/distribution: Heavy soil that retains some moisture, on sheltered sites. Small plant populations in widespread locations in the north, north-east and south-east. Also SA, Vic, NSW.
Where found: Forestier Peninsula around Murdunna; Latrobe area including Kermode Creek, Roaring Magg Hill; Tasman NP; Woodvine Nature Reserve N boundary.
Other notes: Appears to be short lived in cultivation. Requires constant moisture and tolerates semi-shade. Distinguishing feature is its yellow flowers.

Pimelea linifolia

Botanical Name: Pimelea linifolia
Commonly Called: Slender riceflower
Botanical Family: Thymelaeaceae
Grows: 0.5-1.5m H x 0.5-1.5m W.
Foliage: Elliptical, green, shiny, opposite, 8-20mm long.
Flowers: In nodding terminal heads, tubular, cream, with conspicuous orange stamens and large red/green bracts.
Flowering Season: Late spring
Fruit: Dry and nut-like.
Habitat/distribution: Widespread and abundant in heathland and in understorey of moist forest. Also SA, Vic, NSW, Q.
Where found: Big Punch Bowl and Long Point, Bridport Wildflower, Hawthorn Road – Maranoa Heights, Knocklofty Reserve and Peter Murrell Reserves; Cradle Mountain and Lake St Clair, Narawntapu, Rocky Cape and Tasman National Parks; Luther Point Coastal Track ñ Orford; Schouten Island; Wellington Park.
Other notes: Nodding creamy flowers and the colourful bracts. A plant for well drained moist soil, in part shade. Requires regular pruning for shape.

Podolepis decipiens

Botanical Name: Podolepis decipiens
Commonly Called: Deceiving copperwire-daisy
Botanical Family: Asteraceae
Grows: 20-60cm H
Foliage: A basal rosette, linear/lanceolate, 10-20cm long, smaller along the red flower stem (hence copper wire common name). Upper surface rough to touch.
Flowers: Single, bright yellow to 4cm diameter, with distinctively fringed ray florets and paper bracts at base.
Flowering Season: Early summer.
Fruit: an achene
Habitat/distribution: Widespread and locally common from sea level to alpine grasslands. Also SA, Vic, NSW, Qld.
Where found: Cradle Mountain/Lake St Claire NP; Diprose Lagoon and Township Lagoon Nature Reserves; Lakes Highway, Central Plateau 3 km north of Breona; Lake Augusta, Liaweenee; Waverly Flora Park; and many other locations.
Other notes: Requires well-drained moist soil in full sun. Short lived in cultivation. Conspicuous fringing of the bright yellow flowers. Podolepis decipiens is the wide spread species in Tasmania, Podolepis jaceoides is found on Flinders Island

Wahlenbergia stricta

Botanical Name: Wahlenbergia stricta
Commonly Called: Tall bluebell
Botanical Family: Campanulaceae
Grows: This open, many branched herb has a long tap root. It self seeds freely and is opportunistic, spreading its seed throughout gardens, plant nursery pots, and into cracks and crevices.
Foliage: The 3 to 5cm long lower leaves grow opposite. They are hairy, ovate and have wavy edges, while the alternate, smaller, upper leaves are narrower.
Flowers: The pretty, 5 petalled, light blue, bell-shaped flowers have a pale blue to white centre.
Flowering Season: The flowers appear in spring and are most noticeable during summer.
Fruit: The fruit is an ovoid to round capsule.
Habitat/distribution: Widespread and locally common in grasslands and grassy understorey. It is also found in WA, SA, Vic, NSW, Qld.
Where found: Freycinet and Tasman National Parks; Bicentennial Park, Sandy Bay; Chauncy Vale Wildlife Sanctuary; Big Punch Bowl and Long Point (Tasmanian Land Conservancy), Bluff River Gorge, Knocklofty, Orford Luther to Stapleton Points Coastal, Orford Thumbs, Peter Murrell, Township Lagoon Nature and Wingara Gully Reserves; Meehan Ranges many places, many Tangara Trail Tracks and many other locations from the south east through the midlands and up the east coast; many home gardens.
Other notes: This pretty little herb thrives in well-drained moist soil in full sun. It may be propagated from seed or division or simply careful extraction from nursery pots or the garden after self seeding. Pruning the long stems after flowering may encourage a bushier plant. The petals slightly longer than the tube and the erect clumping habit are the distinguishing features.

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